stanford political science
The primary purpose is to understand and evaluate the main theories, arguments, claims, and conjectures made by scholars in the field so as to enable students to situate arguments in the conceptual structure and intellectual history of IR theory. 3 Units. This seminar examines the relationship between racial identity, group consciousness, and public opinion. Up to 54 units of approved courses may be counted toward both degrees. Why did no major power intervene to stop the killing? Same as: GLOBAL 220, INTLPOL 242. Are there special ethical considerations in activism on behalf of those who cannot advocate for themselves? Most people agree that democracy is a good thing, but do we agree on what democracy is? But what is an identity? Same as: ECON 143, INTLPOL 227, PUBLPOL 143. 5 Units. Governing the Global Economy. Specific class requirements for each field can be found on the, Political Theory Program Requirement: Every Ph.D. student must complete at least one five-unit class of graduate-level instruction in political theory. Research seminar. This course is an upper-level undergraduate seminar providing an introduction to the political economy of development. Frontiers in mass political behavior. The workshop brings in a distinguished speaker from outside the department each week, focusing on the sub-fields of international relations, comparative politics, American politics, and political methodology. Introduction to American Law. POLISCI 420B. The Director of Graduate Studies is available to provide guidance on course selection and course planning. 3-5 Units. POLISCI 342. Approval is contingent on special circumstances and is not routinely granted. Unequal Relationships. Same as: AMSTUD 226, CSRE 226, POLISCI 326. 5 Units. Case studies include Greek city-states in the classical period and the northern Atlantic community of the 17th and 18th centuries including upheavals in England and the American Revolutionary era. What are the consequences of new states deploying nuclear weapons? Same as: POLISCI 446A. 5 Units. POLISCI 436R. We consider these and related questions, with the conflict in Syria as our main case study. That hypothesis will be tested against other more structural explanations of how countries behave in the international system. Consult Political Science department web site before applying. We also cover appropriate data analytic strategies for quasi-experimental designs including interrupted time series, matching and propensity scores. When does solidarity break down? This seminar will explore Sen's "capability approach" and its implications for the study of economics, gender, and justice. 5 Units. 1 Unit. The department does not have a terminal M.A. All courses must be taken for a letter grade. To graduate with honors in Political Science, students must: Up to 20 units of honors coursework may be applied toward the additional related coursework requirement for the major. The implications of social norms, preferences and beliefs for political and economic behavior and societal outcomes. POLISCI 446E. It is explicitly grounded in philosophy of science (e.g., Popperian positivism and Kuhn's notions of paradigms and normal science). 3-5 Units. For undergraduates. We discuss ideas such as the commitment problem, credibility in signaling, cheap talk, moral hazard and adverse selection. Digital Security and Civil Society. What external factors change the dynamics between candidates and electorates?n n In this class we will study the functioning of democratic elections, mainly in the context of legislative elections. Same as: INTLPOL 230, INTNLREL 114D, POLISCI 314D. And what helps us make sense of this strange time we find ourselves in? The social and psychological processes involved in asking and answering questions via questionnaires for the social sciences; optimizing questionnaire design; open versus closed questions; rating versus ranking; rating scale length and point labeling; acquiescence response bias; don't-know response options; response choice order effects; question order effects; social desirability response bias; attitude and behavior recall; and introspective accounts of the causes of thoughts and actions. We will also explore the ways in which these ideas continue to animate contemporary political debates. 94305. Drawing on Herodotus and other literary sources, ancient historians have traditionally seen classical Greece as a very poor land. (Graduate students register for 348.). This approach emphasizes the importance of simultaneous economic and political development as two different facets of the same developmental process. What's Wrong with American Government? Faculty advisers from each academic unit participate in the planning and supervising of the student's joint program. Same as: POLISCI 214R. 3-5 Units. Prior coursework in Economics or Statistics strongly recommended. POLISCI 230A. Explaining Ethnic Violence. POLISCI 132A. To be considered for enrollment, interested students must complete the directed reading petition form available on the Political Science website before the end of week 1 of the quarter in which they'd like to enroll. What are the strategic consequences of new states deploying nuclear weapons? Stanford, CA 94305-6044 POLISCI 218Z. How do campaigns work on a practical level? Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: CS106A. Students must complete a declaration form, available on the Political Science website and in the department office in Encina Hall West 100. Covers a variety of causal inference designs, including experiments, matching, regression, panel methods, difference-in-differences, synthetic control methods, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity designs, quantile regression, and bounds. At least two graduate seminars (10 units) in each of two fields and at least one graduate seminar (5 units) in a third field. We will approach this question through the lens of social choice theory, and connect this theory from economics and political science to the potential design of algorithms that aggregate our diverse preferences and information. The Political Science Summer Research College (SRC) program is one way to acquire this experience. 5 Units. Same as: POLISCI 240A. Political Methodology II: Causal Inference. All courses used to fulfill the political theory requirement must be taken for a letter grade of 'B' or better. The implications of social norms, preferences and beliefs for political and economic behavior and societal outcomes. May be repeated for credit. Associate University Librarian for Public Services and Collection Development. How are charitable dollars distributed and what role do nonprofit organizations and philanthropic dollars play in civil society and modern democracy? May be repeated for credit. In the age of big data, how accurately can elections be predicted? What institutions best support the rule of law? Topics include the historical conceptualization of race; whether and how racial animus reveals itself and the forms it might take; its role in the creation and maintenance of economic stratification; its effect on contemporary U.S. partisan and electoral politics; and policy making consequences. This course will address these questions, focusing first on local distributions of power, and then considering the implications of inequality in state and national politics. What is society and what does it mean to be a member of one? POLISCI 127A. POLISCI 71. POLISCI 110X. Students are expected to interact professionally with government and community stakeholders, conduct independent team work outside of class sessions, and submit deliverables over a series of milestones. Students may not double count any courses between their major and the Political Science minor aside from, After all the requirements for the masters have been completed: submit the. Once a utopian proposal, the policy is now discussed and piloted throughout the world. 3-5 Units. The adviser and committee are selected by the student on the basis of expertise relevant to the dissertation project. The evolution of these debates with attention to the Cold War, the 90s, and American foreign policy after 9/11. But these aspects of government are, in some sense, the tail that wags the dog. To this end, we will untangle project parts related to implementation, data collection, analysis, and writing. How much by local authorities? Causal Inference for Social Science. POLISCI 133Z. POLISCI 131L. At the time, Russian leaders aspired to build democratic and market institutions at home. Preference to sophomores. To what extent should the United Nations be held accountable for the failure to end the genocide? Although there are no formal pre-requisites, this class is primarily designed for students considering writing a thesis in political or moral theory as well as for students in other disciplines who want to advance their understanding of equality as a moral value. Same as: INTLPOL 232, POLISCI 242. Elections are critical to determining the direction of this country, but how do you get involved in ways beyond voting? promote institutional change in weak and badly governed states?. An Institutional Approach, The Psychology of Communication About Politics in America, Money, Power, and Politics in the New Gilded Age, Paths to the Modern World: The West in Comparative Perspective, Introduction to Machine Learning for Social Scientists, Formal Theory I: Game Theory for Political Science, Education for All? 5 Units. 3-5 Units. Students may choose to complete a third field in one of the fields within the Political Science department: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, methodology, or political theory. There will also be a Q&A following the initial discussion. POLISCI 120C. 5 Units. Identity Politics. Thinkers covered will include: Niccolò Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Edmund Burke, John Stuart Mill, and Karl Marx. About 12-15 students, chosen from a large pool of applicants, enter the program every year. Students must apply through Summer Session and may not enroll without permission of the instructors. Part of the graduate sequence in international relations. To request the Ph.D. Minor in Political Science, submit the University Application for Ph.D. minor form to the Political Science Student Services office for review. POLISCI 482A. 5 Units. POLISCI 126P. The course provides an introduction to major factors shaping contemporary international politics, including: the origins and nature of nationalism; explanations for war; nuclear weapons; international implications of the rise of China; civil war and international peacekeeping since the end of the Cold War; international institutions and how they facilitate interstate cooperation; and the politics of international "public bads" such as climate change and global pandemics. At the time, Russian leaders aspired to build democratic and market institutions at home. Prerequisite for Political Science PhDnstudents: POLISCI 356A. How did this transformation occur?nnnDrawing on judicial opinions, legal scholarship, political science, economics, and history, this course explores how institutions evolved to create such a system. Prerequisites: POLISCI 450A, POLISCI 450B and POLISCI 450C. How are the norms of individual rights, the common good, and tolerance balanced in diverse civil societies? We propose some familiarity with basic ideas in economics and basic ideas in contemporary political philosophy; we will explain and learn about more complex ideas as we proceed. Special Topics: State-Society Relations in the Contemporary Arab World-Key Concepts and Debates. Second, we discuss in an informal workshop setting the ongoing work of graduate students, considering how, if at all, the readings on methodology could inform this work. 3-5 Units. Each week we will have a guest speaker in the class whose work will be discussed by a team of students. POLISCI 247G. Greek social theorists may, therefore, also have shared some of the intuitions of contemporary behavioral economists. Normative political theory combined with positive political theory to better explain how major texts may have responded to and influenced changes in formal and informal institutions. POLISCI 259. Design and Analysis of Experiments. 3-5 Units. POLISCI 460A. The U.S. population will be majority-minority by 2050; what does this mean for future electoral outcomes? Fixing US Politics: Political Reform in Principle and Practice. Politics and Institutions in Latin America. independent research, externships, directed research, directed writing, policy labs, senior thesis, research track, or moot court) may count toward the Law degree. 6 Units. To participate in the Research Honors Program in Political Science, students must apply and be accepted to the program during Winter Quarter of their junior year. She is the author of Elections and Distributive Politics in Mubarakâs Egypt (Cambridge University Press, 2011) and State of Repression: Iraq under Saddam Hussein (Princeton University Press, 2018). POLISCI 347G. During the past two generations, democracy has coincided with massive increases in economic inequality in the U.S. and many other advanced democracies. For PhD students. For Professor Krehbiel's sessions, the emphasis is on legislative behavior, organization, and lawmaking, and on inter-institutional strategic interaction (e,g, between executive, legislative, and judicial branches in various combinations). Same as: POLISCI 313, REES 213. Program Guide and by the School of Law. What does focus of post-Cold War U.S. foreign policy on countries torn apart by civil war tell us about contemporary international relations? Students interested in this option should consult the relevant sections of this Bulletin for both University and department requirements for master's degrees. Of that 54, no more than 31 total quarter units of courses that originate outside the Law School as well as some types of Stanford Law School classes (e.g. This seminar is intended for masters students and fourth-year undergraduates. Guest speakers, faculty, and students present research papers. Issues in American Politics and Public Policy. Focus is on developing research papers and exploring active areas of research in the field. Democratic Politics. Turnout of the Voting Age Population hovers around 50 percent and today, we are seeing increasing legal challenges to voting rights. The Politics and Economics of Modern Europe. 1 Unit. All courses applied toward the major must be completed for a letter grade of 'C' or higher. This class is an introduction to the different ways that social scientists have proposed to understand politics. Issues related to federalism, representation, voting, race, poverty, housing, and finances. This course examines how the rules that govern elections and the policy process determine political outcomes. POLISCI 211N. This course is open to PhD students only. Same as: CLASSICS 384B. The Politics of the Administrative State. students should expect to devote one or more additional quarters largely or exclusively to studies in the Political Science program in order to be eligible to advance to candidacy at the end of the second year. Same as: POLISCI 348S. 3-5 Units. POLISCI 249. Contemporary work. This course introduces a framework for using machine learning methods to make social science inferences, with a particular focus on text as data. 4 Units. This class will instruct students in the political economy of software and digital infrastructure as they relate to civil society in democracies. POLISCI 114S. Same as: AMSTUD 179, PUBLPOL 302A. Other questions we will ask are newer and less well-trodden. Deliberative Polling, its applications, defenders and critics, both normative and empirical, will provide a key case for discussion. degree program is designed for students who wish to prepare themselves for careers in areas relating to both law and political science. Machine Learning for Social Scientists. POLISCI 134P. Same as: POLISCI 315F. Social data science combines the analysis of big data with social science theory. Individual country experiences with democracy, democratization, and regime performance. Same as: CLASSICS 395, POLISCI 438R. Civil War and International Politics: Syria in Context. This is the dog: the "administrative state." The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election season will be historic. This course may count toward the units taken to satisfy the Primary Track, Secondary Track, or Additional Coursework requirements. POLISCI 125P. 5 Units. We will illustrate and apply the methods with examples drawn from various fields including policy evaluation, political science, public health, economics, business, and sociology. Modern government is bureaucratic government. Suite 100 Prerequisite: POLISCI 150A. Same as: ECON 220. Though much of our time will be spent reading about race and racial identification in the context of American politics, students will be encouraged to think critically and creatively about identity as it relates to their own intellectual interests. For students, the course is available for 1 credit. Or something different altogether? 3 Units. POLISCI 24SC. An Institutional Approach. The principal goal of the Stanford Ph.D. program in political science is the training of scholars. Students in the program have excellent preparation for further study in graduate or professional schools as well as careers in government, business, and not-for-profit organizations. This course offers an introduction to the history of Western political thought from the late fifteenth through the nineteenth centuries. No background in game theory is required. 3-5 Units. All the major Supreme Court cases dealing with issues such as incitement, libel, hate speech, obscenity, commercial speech, and campaign finance. See the Notes for additional information. Marx saw fundamental problems with capitalist societies, including: un-freedom, alienation, inequality, and bureaucratization. Why do states develop nuclear weapons and why do some states, that have the technological capacity to build nuclear weapons, refrain from doing so? POLISCI 235N. Teaching Requirement: A candidate for the Ph.D. in Political Science is required to complete three quarters of teaching in Political Science department classes for a minimum of three quarters. Small scale discussions or sound bites on television? Although the primarily focus is on the American experience, we place these developments in comparative context as well. And why have many other regions lagged in the creation of growth-promoting institutions? Areas studied: the changing role of the dollar; mechanism of international monetary management; recent crises in world markets including those in Europe and Asia; role of IMF, World Bank and WTO in stabilizing world economy; trade politics and policies; the effects of the globalization of business on future US prosperity. nnHow should social decisions be made in the age of algorithms? The history of each group in the American polity; their political circumstances with respect to the electoral process, the policy process, and government; the extent to which the demographic category Latino is meaningful; and group identity and solidarity among Americans of Latin American ancestry. POLISCI 134L. Over the quarter, they will be guided through the elements of research design (narrative, theory, and statistics). POLISCI 238R. 5 Units. The first sessions of the course will review theories of revolution, social movements, and democratization. The Political Science department is committed to providing academic advising in support of graduate student scholarly and professional development. POLISCI 148. This course provides an introduction to strategic reasoning. As Trump often elicits comparisons to famous and infamous leaders of the past such as Hitler, Mussolini, and FDR, as well as right wing nationalists leaders in the present day such as Duterte and Le Pen, this class will examine the extent to which Trump's behavior resembles these authority figures and what our society should do to respond. Immigration and Multiculturalism. The Political Science Departmental Workshop provides a forum for graduate students and faculty involved in political science research to engage with the core themes and questions of research across the discipline. 3-5 Units. 3-5 Units. We look at a range of topics from this perspective, including: constitutional law, statutory interpretation, administrative law and regulation, and jurisprudence - all with an eye toward better understanding the dynamic interaction among law, politics, and social change. The BOSP course search site displays courses, locations, and quarters relevant to specific majors. This should happen when the student begins the M.A. In this course, students learn and engage with the debates that have animated political theory since the early 20th century. Once a utopian proposal, the policy is now discussed and piloted throughout the world. Comparative Political Theory (CPT) has emerged as one of the most important fields in political theory. For the major, up to one course for the primary track and up to one course for the secondary track may be a pre-approved non-Political Science course or a petitioned course. This course, administered in conjunction with Stanford in Government, will explore prominent contemporary issues in American politics and public policy. 5 Units. Contemporary Moral Problems. From healthcare to voting reforms, social protection and educational policies, public policies are underpinned by moral values. Why do states develop nuclear weapons and why do some states, that have the technological capacity to build nuclear weapons, nonetheless refrain from doing so? The course will explore normative and practical issues concerning democracy and equality and examine why democratic institutions have failed to counteract rising inequality. 5 Units. Students will conduct original research in teams of two on the selected nations. Course may be repeated for credit. We ask to what degree ancient Greeks shared intuitions concerning the rationality of choice with contemporary decision and game theorists. An essay outlining the student's research interest. 3-5 Units. The course will cover a range of topics, including the disparity in political representation of the preferences of the affluent over those of the poor, the origins of Congressional polarization, the influence of money in politics, budgetary politics, immigration policy, and electoral and institutional barriers to reform. 3 Units. 2-3 Units. Democratic rule is rule of the people. 1-5 Unit. The Greek tradition recognized the limits of expected utility maximization in predicting or explaining the actual behavior of individuals, groups, and states, and sought to explain divergences from predicted rational behavior. In rare circumstances, the dissertation adviser may be a faculty member from another Stanford department. For PhD students. Since the end of World War II, there has been an explosion in the number, scope, and complexity of international organizations. The course begins with an examination of ideology in the American public and then considers ideology among political activists and elected officials, focusing on members of Congress and the president. Small scale discussions or sound bites on television? At least once per year, either formally or informally, students and advisers are expected to review the student’s progress towards completion of their research and their degree. Who is (or ought to be) a citizen? 3-5 Units. How domestic and international politics influence the economic relations between countries. How politicians, once elected, work together to govern America. POLISCI 231Z. This course examines the relationship between democratic ideals and contemporary democratic politics. 5 Units. 5 Units. POLISCI 42Q. This course provides an introduction to strategic reasoning. 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