1952-J The serial number is displayed on the bottom of the grip frame. The Model 60 is chambered in .22 Long Rifle Only Marlin Model 60 .22 Caliber Marlin Model 60 Review: The model 60 is an economical and easily managed .22 caliber rifle. Marlin Serial Number Although the Model 60 is one of the least expensive .22 semi-automatic rifles sold, it has the reputation of being one of the most accurate rifles out of the box, with no modifications necessary. I have a Marlin 1895 45-70 with Serial #B0061xx. 1972-72 code was usually stamped on the left side of the barrel just in 2 Sporting Rifle Marlin I am also confused. Marlin Factory Records ONE SERIAL NUMBER REQUEST IS ONLY: $9.95. That all changed in 1968 with the passage of the '68 Gun Control Act. Ruger relaunched Marlin in fall of 2021. No bolt release lever in trigger guard. As of January 2022, Ruger announced it has no plans to resume production of the Model 60.[4]. However, major differences were visible from the exterior. Marlin WebSince the MR serial numbers are computer generated, they do not coincide with a date of manufacture. Of course some of the changes mentioned above may have happened mid-year or there may be some rifles made after a certain change that left the factory with the older parts as they used them up. That number would be helpful. its a marlin 60 btw. The NRA 125th Anniversary Edition (c. 1996) featured a walnut finished stock, golden finish trigger, & golden medallion on stock stamped with 'Safety - Ethics - Sportsmanship'. When the Marlin model 60 was introduced in 1960, there was no law requiring manufacturers to put serial numbers on their guns. Below is the most amount of information I can find about serial numbers and what they mean for telling when your rifle was made. Is the KEL TEC SUB-2000 California legal. The Model 60 is well-suited for small-game hunting and vermin control, as well as for serious but low-cost target practice while preparing for hunting with larger rifles. Ver. LeeRoy Wisner All Rights Reserved, Originated 05-11-02 Last updated 11-01-2020. This page was last edited on 8 October 2022, at 20:46. My gun has the front sight and band in one piece the little pin that slides in the groove to hold the inner tube piece in the outer piece is worn down to where it no longer hood the inner tube in place. All rights reserved. . Marlin Variants: 60, 60C, 60DL, 60S-CF, 60SB, 60SS, 60SSK, 60SSBL, 600, Marlin Model 60 If this is a Model 60 SS J Frame revolver, the serial number should begin with an "R". reduced to a 15 round maximum limit, to meet NJ's firearms law for In 2000 the serial numbers began with 00. Marlin uses their proprietary Micro-Groove rifling in the Model 60. GunCollectionsOnline - Privacy Policy Marlin For a brief period Remington Marlin (Remlin) were putting out some poor quality rifles. Note that records are chaotic as all models were numbered in a single serial number range, and numbers are often duplicated, and the dates recorded are apparently shipping dates, not dates of manufacture. WebSince the MR serial numbers are computer generated, they do not coincide with a date of manufacture. 1883: 4001 67001884: 6701 88501885: 8851 113001886: 11301 150001887: 15001 178001888: 17801 215001889: 21501 300001890: 30001 450001891: 45001 632501892: 63251 802501893: 80251 957501894: 95751 1150001895: 115001 1330001896: 133001 1444001897: 144401 1612001898: 161201 1755001899: 175501 1960001900: 196001 2130001901: 213001 2333001902: 233301 2625001903: 262501 2873001904: 287301 3105001905: 310501 3290001906: 329001 355300, 1948 E1949 F1950 G1951 H1952 J1953 K1954 L1955 M1956 N1957 P1957-1958 R1958-1959 S1960 T1960-Aug. 1961 U1961-Aug. 1962 V1963 W1964 Y & Z1965 AA1966 AB1967 AC1968 AD1969-691970-701971-711972-72, VINTAGE GUN SCOPES FORM AND FUNCTION GUARANTEE. Supplied with sling swivels. Im trying to figure this out I was gifted a marlin 60 with s/n 23550335 what year is this I need to buy the magazine tube, thanks in advance. Marlin & Calico Specialist, also good at Star pistols General Semi-Automatic Handgun Discussion. Many of these had letter codes on them that will help ID date of manufacture. It was sold by various retailers until stock ran out, at least until 1982. Model 60 Capacity: 14-shot tubular magazine with patented closure Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. What would be the date of manufacture for a "Marlin Model 336SC CAL.219 Zipper Micro Groove". Marlin quit using the Glenfield name after 1983. WebRimfire Rifles. Lt SIXGUN here okay my first Marlin model 60 has a serial number of 06159829, my second one is 10504134 I believe they are both mid-90s, They changed to 6 digits in 1968, but they produced so many that the number of digits increased, to be sure of the year you need to look at the other identifiers I posted. your gun was made in 1978 and should have a plastic trigger guard. The Model 60 has been sold in over thirty-five variants, and is one of the fastest-selling sporting rifles ever, as of 1983.[5]. Marlin The Marlin Model 60 has been in continuous production since its debut in (surprise!) WebFind the full list of available Marlin models and serial number ranges here. A forum community dedicated to Marlin firearm owners and enthusiasts. The Model 99 featured a walnut stock, and the receiver, instead of being grooved for tip-off scope mounts like the Model 60 would be, was factory-tapped to accept screw-on scope mounts. 1-1/2 Hunters Rifle Ballard No. WebMarlin 795 & Marlin 60 Serial Numbers Date of Manufacture **Quick Reference** (1960-1968) No Serial Number - Need Barrel Code (1968-1973) First 2 Numbers are Date of Manufacture (1973-1999) Subtract First 2 Numbers from 2000 (2000) Starts with 00 (2001-2010) First 2 Numbers Subtract from 2100 (2010- Present) "MM" Need Barrel Code In:Marlin Firearms Edit categories Answer. You are awesome. ! 1966-AB My model 60 serial starts with 07. Likewise, a serial number starting with 17 would be a rifle manufactured in 1983. Marlin Factory Records subtracting the first two digits of the serial number from 100: WebFind the full list of available Marlin models and serial number ranges here. 2
@A( h M48=~jo^+}wj]_Ry@\ N060cd`l$06`d(06U06X2W6,X2zK".FbFFKFFac3FFFcFFcc%aa8)T()]']vPCjbPNwFB=Z[ 2 Sporting Rifle by G Wi Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:02 pm, Post The twist rate is 1:16inches, right-hand. finest rimfire values. Copyright 2011 - 20120 See the table below: Hopefully this helps you find the age of your rifle. 1-3/4 "Far West" Hunters Rifle Ballard No. %PDF-1.4 That number would be helpful. Lt SIXGUN here okay my first Marlin model 60 has a serial number of 06159829, my second one is 10504134 I believe they are both mid-90s Case December 24, 2022 at 4:44 AM They changed to 6 digits in 1968, but they produced so many that the number of digits increased, to be sure of the year you For example a Marlin model 39A with a serial number of N12478 would have been an economical and easily managed .22 caliber rifle. Marlin Serial Numbers and Date Codes You are awesome. This address will not be sold or used for. This is a Marlin Model 39 Lever Action in .22s,l,or lr. by marlinman93 Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:46 pm, Post Thanks for the info on the Model 60. TWO SERIAL NUMBER REQUESTS ARE ONLY: $18.00. Gun Review: Marlin Model 60 [P320 Entry This model is very rare because of the short production run, and little info is known. WebYou can view the complete page of records that your specific Serial Number pertains to for 30 DAYS. Rimfire 1950-G Action: Autoloading, semi automatic side ejection; manual and Many of these had letter codes on them that will help ID date of manufacture. subtract 19 from 100 = 81 so 1981. It was fairly accurate, a great mechanism, and still a beautiful gun. But my gun has an 8 digit serial number and it look like there are other that do also . The charging handle is used to load the first round from the magazine and can be retracted and pushed in as a manual bolt hold-open feature. Glenfield Model 99G - precursor of the Model 60G. Marlin Model 60 Serial Number Numbers on mine begin with 0Z0. and ease of handling makes it well-suited as a first rifle by young 1983. brenda remillard on November 6, 2021 at 9:57 pm. 1957-P MARLIN WebModel 60 Quick Facts: First Year of Manufacture: 1960 Number Produced: 11,000,000 Originally the tube fed magazine had a capacity of 18 long rifles. WebMarlin 795 & Marlin 60 Serial Numbers Date of Manufacture **Quick Reference** (1960-1968) No Serial Number - Need Barrel Code (1968-1973) First 2 Numbers are Date of Manufacture (1973-1999) Subtract First 2 Numbers from 2000 (2000) Starts with 00 (2001-2010) First 2 Numbers Subtract from 2100 (2010- Present) "MM" Need Barrel Code WebThe Marlin Model 60 was developed in 1960 from the Model 99 design. The major improvements made to the Model 60 over the 99 were the transition from steel inner tubes to brass inner tubes in the tubular magazine in order to prevent rusting. MARLIN r! 'w/LPA0 4 The 18 is significant, for subtracting it from 2000 gives the date of manufacture for the rifle, 1982. The primary difference was that the stock was made of birch instead of walnut to reduce the recurring production costs for the more expensive wood. 60 has a serial number 27192056. These letters are small and may be hard to read, and are always upper case. Some Marlin Model 90DT O/U shotguns were marked with an A-serial number which I assume means they were made in 1940. Model 60 serial # age It would have to be a 2010 or later model. [non-serialized, Pre 1968]: The relatively large ammunition capacity is adequate for casual recreational target shooting ("plinking"), plus the low price and ease of handling makes it well-suited as a first rifle by young hunters just learning to use a semi-automatic rifle. 4
D`hh"E 4i J4CPAa(PZP6(%C`dr! 'pr. 'pr. 'pr The first letter of the barrel date code indicates the month, see the chart below: The second letter indicates the year, again they didn't use this system until 1962, So if your barrel code is HH your gun was made in August of 1964. Firearm serial numbers were date coded by a prefix within the s/n, as signified below. earned the title of "most popular 22 in the world." If it is 1989, it shouldnt hold that many rounds. An example was included. History of the Marlin 60. WebYou can view the complete page of records that your specific Serial Number pertains to for 30 DAYS. http://remingtonsociety.com/rsa/questions/barrelcodes, http://www.marlinowners.com/forum/marlin-years-manufacture/51276-marlin-year-code-production-dates-ser-1-sheet-pdf.html. brenda remillard on November 6, 2021 at 9:57 pm. Interesting. Glenfield Model 60G - Similar to the 99C, but with a birch stock instead of walnut. The serial number is displayed on the bottom of the grip frame. 1 Hunters Rifle Ballard No. Call our experts: (727) 223-1816 or visit support.mcarbo.com, (1960-1968) No Serial Number - Need Barrel Code, (1968-1973) First 2 Numbers are Date of Manufacture, (1973-1999) Subtract First 2 Numbers from 2000, (2001-2010) First 2 Numbers Subtract from 2100. var __dcid = __dcid || [];
I would like to receive news and updates from Guns International. WWII production & retooling. For example a Marlin model 39A with a serial number of N12478 would have been made in 1955 while a 1894 in 44 magnum with a serial number of 25105098, would have equated to 1975 I'm not sure if there is a pattern to the Remington serial numbers, other than maybe a range of sequential numbers in a year. The 1973 model Octagon can be 73XXXXXX or 27XXXXXX. I have a HJ that I picked up at a gun show. In 2000 the serial numbers began with 00. Likewise, a serial number starting with 17 would be a rifle manufactured in 1983. I may not agree with you, but I respect your right to say and believe it. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. What year am I looking at? The rifle has an easily accessible cross-bolt safety located above the trigger. held 18 rounds in the tube magazine. "On Marlin-branded Model 60 rifles, the first two digits of the serial number indicate the year of manufacture. Model 60 serial # age Marlin Model 60 Other examples include: Two-letter code: AA-1975. The serial number should be there. How do I find the year of my marlin model 60 22LR? It is important to note that some budget Marlin Rimfire rifles that were manufactured prior to 1968 did not have a serial number. WebThe Marlin Model 60 was developed in 1960 from the Model 99 design. Model 60 rifles had both the "last shot hold open" feature and also Webmarlin serial numbers. WebWrite something about yourself. For instance, the letter S is the ID date for the year 1959. WebMarlin Model 60 Caliber: 22 Long Rifle only Model 60 Capacity: 14-shot tubular magazine with patented closure system Action: Autoloading, semi automatic side ejection; manual and automatic 'last-shot' bolt hold-opens; receiver top has serrrated, non-glare finish; cross-bolt safety; steel charging handle. Oc5 No Serial Number on Marlin/Glenfield 60. ONE SERIAL NUMBER REQUEST IS ONLY: $9.95. Hi my Merlin has a serial number 03258630 can you tell me what year it was made anybody. 1953-K "On Marlin-branded Model 60 rifles, the first two digits of the serial number indicate the year of manufacture. = 1960 (August)-1961-U Straight stock, 21 inch barrel, 40 inch over-all. It has an 8 digit serial number which is, 22476212. Marlin Lever Action Rifle Serial Numbers 1883 to 1906 (Including Models 1881, 1888, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895 and 1897.) No need to be fancy, just an overview. It is important to note that the letters I, O, and Q arent used as serial number prefixes. My model 60 just ssys msrlon on the barrel and not msrlin /,glenfield? Marlin Marlin Model 60W NRA 125th Anniversary Edition .22 LR. He bought this rifle on March 1st 1971 for my birthday, A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.. to Date your Marlin Model 60 Rifle Is there any way to determine exactly what store based on the serial number? THREE SERIAL NUMBER REQUESTS ARE Once you have the era, you can use the serial number to figure out the exact year. WebUntil 1968, long guns sold in the USA were not required to have serial numbers on them. During the late-1980s, the capacity of the rifle was reduced to a 15-round maximum limit, to meet New Jersey's firearms law for semi-automatic guns. 1954-L 1971-71 To close the bolt with the manual bolt hold-open engaged, the charging handle must be pulled out, away from the gun, before the bolt will go forward. I bought mine in 1965, used it a few years for Ground Hog hunting, and stored it away. Reply. MARLIN Hello everyone. WebSince the MR serial numbers are computer generated, they do not coincide with a date of manufacture. The Model 60 is well-suited for The model 60 is WebThe alphabetical position determines the year of manufacture. He's worried that he's going to get into trouble with it. That is incorrect. Serial number 25391935. Its capacity of The rifle hasnt changed much in the intervening 54 years. Some notable parts that are year-specific are the feed throat mechanisms, magazine tubes, firing pins, and hammers. The tubular magazine holds up to 14 Long The serial numbers are now sequential. plant with proof mark REP ?UA?Oii6/n!R*RZdYKr5[W/Hw~+
mUY8mvO>f_8`.N]F P-26AX. The guy said there is no chart he could send me but he did say the serial number: MR22xxxC signifies a manufacture date in 2012. The serial number is displayed on the bottom of the grip frame. Marlin Model 60 Manufactured in 1985, this Model 60 is in great condition and features a 22" micro groove barrel with an excellent barrel. Marlin Serial Number Marlin year of manufacture maybe determined from the following list of letter/numeral prefixs to the serial number; this coding only applies to serialized rifles: 1946-C 1947-D 1948-E 1949-F 1950-G 1951-H 1952-J 1953-K 1954-L 1955-M 1956-N 1957-P 1958-R 1959-S 1960 (August)-1961-U 1961 (August)-1962-V 1963-W 1964-Y,-Z 1965-AA 1966-AB 1967-AC & ??? Or am I confused? 1883-1906. to 1975, Copyright 2011 - 20120 Earliest Model 60s did not have a bolt hold-open; first the manual, then in the mid-1980s the automatic "last shot" hold-open were added. You are awesome. Number combination: 24- 1976. hunters just learning to use a semi-automatic rifle. So a gun with serial number, Then in 1973 they changed the first two digits to be subtracted from 100 indicated the year of manufacture. When disassembled, the trigger guard with trigger and safety remains in the stock. Likewise, a serial number starting with 17 would be a rifle manufactured in 1983. @a0( ( %& E0 2
S )hHAA'@ while a 1894 in 44 magnum with a serial number of 25105098, would have equated Interesting. In:Marlin Firearms Edit categories Answer. However, Marlin like Winchester in the early years may have done a few special 1960 Marlin 80G 1967 Marlin 989M2 1967 Marlin 99M1 1969 Marlin 99M1 1976 Marlin 336 (30-30) 1978 Glenfield 25 1979 Marlin 1894C (38/357) 1979 Marlin 39A 1980 Glenfield 60 1982 Glenfield 25 1983 Marlin 60/70 1983 Marlin 70 1984 Marlin 60 1985 Marlin 995 1985 Marlin 60 1986 Marlin 60 1989 Marlin 60/70 1990 Marlin 70 Receiver grooved for It was mostly the inexpensive guns like 22s and shotguns that didn't get the serial number. Came with a supremely durable gold-plated metal trigger instead of the standard polymer trigger, and a stainless steel breech bolt in lieu of the blue steel breech bolt on the Model 60. For example a Marlin model 39A with a serial number of N12478 would have been No need to be fancy, just an overview. # 70698590 would have been made in 1970. I would like to know if there is a way to determine the month of manufacture. The B doesnt seem to exist except on my Marlin. Marlin Marlin Model 60 Caliber: 22 Long Rifle only If this is a Model 60 SS J Frame revolver, the serial number should begin with an "R". 1883: 4001 6700 1884: 6701 8850 1885: 8851 11300 1886: 11301 15000 1887: 15001 17800 1888: 17801 21500 1889: 21501 30000 1890: 30001 45000 1891: 45001 63250 1892: 63251 80250 1893: 80251 95750 1894: 95751 115000 1895: 115001 133000 1896: 133001 144400 1897: 144401 161200 Micro-Groove rifling uses 16 small lands and grooves rather than 4, 6 or 8 deeper grooves used in most rifles. Likewise, a serial number starting with 17 would be a rifle manufactured in 1983. Are you telling me that my rifle was made in 1978? Contact Seller.Your Name:.Your Email:.Your Phone Number:.Message: Yes! Specialists in Marketing Your Gun Collections. Marlin Model 60 Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado. Marlin Model 60 Serial Number letter/numeral prefixs to the serial number; this coding only Number built: over 11 million, 1960 - present The primary difference was that the stock was made of birch instead of walnut to reduce the recurring production costs for the more expensive wood. made in 1955, while a 1894 in 44 magnum with a serial number of 25105098, would have equated WebModel 60 150th Anniversary Model 1895 410 Bore Model 50DL Recent Production Ruger-Made Model 1895 SBL BALLARD RIFLES First Model Sporting Rifle Sporting Carbine Dual Ignition System MARLIN-BALLARD RIFLES Ballard No. 1965-AA Editing to add: According to this link, the scheme of subtracting the first two digits from 100 seems to be relevant for all Marlin rifles (1973 and later). Whats the consensus about mine? Model 60DLX, the newest Marlin 60, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Model 60. That serial # doesn't match the standard, Marlin quit using the letters by 1973, long before they got to the letter Z, my serial is 11180595 what yr was it made. Marlin Model 600 - Made specially for Big 5 Sporting Goods between 1986 and 1989. hunting. The action design is a self-loading, straight blowback operation, with right-side ejection. This move took place in 2016 and 2017. 12- 09/2012 Prefix Year Proof 91 2009 (JM) 1973 few 1st Letter 1935 on 93's Pre Marlin Ballard's 1861-1873 # by Caliber No.1 Hunter 1876-1880 No.11/2 Hunter 1879-1883 No.13/4 Far West 1879-1882 No.2 Sporting 1876-1888 My buddy came into a new (old) model 60 and it has no visible serial number. The Marlin Model 99 was developed in 1959 by Ewald Nichol. This is a Marlin Model 39 Lever Action in .22s,l,or lr. Marlin Serial Number Guide However, not all of these rifles are bad, continue reading for the Remlin dating system. Discussion in 'Marlin' started by garyh, Mar 24, Marlin - 60 - 22 - 00211079 - Where can you find the serial number on a marlin model 60 G? brenda remillard on November 6, 2021 at 9:57 pm. These guns began production in 1969 with the "R" serial numbers. I would like to receive news and updates from Guns International. Needed some repair(cracked buffer, trigger assembly installed wrong) took it to the range and fires great after a hundred rounds or so. "On Marlin-branded Model 60 rifles, the first two digits of the serial number indicate the year of manufacture. The rimfire, tube-fed, semi-automatic rifle is chambered for .22 LR only & has Micro-Groove rifling. It belonged to my grandfather, and was passed over to me when he died according to my google-fu on the serial number was made in 1971.