\hline &\mathbf{2012} & \mathbf{2011} \\ C. make all city government positions appointive. D. John Muir devoted the last years of his life to opposing a dam at Hetch Hetchy. 65. C. an end to legal racial discrimination. B. talented blacks should accept nothing less than a full university education. Teddy Roosevelt. D. both New York's Tammany Hall and the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. b. In his political program known as the "New Freedom," Woodrow Wilson believed trusts D. asserted that the root of many urban problems was overcrowded cities. -organizer and president (1900-1904 and 1915-1947) of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. A constitutional convention passed a very limited initiative process in 1970, and it was approved by voters. (the initiative, the referendum, and the recall). One year after legislative referendum was proposed to Virginia delegates, Georgias delegates gathered in Savannah to draft a new state constitution. It saw the spread of disfranchisement and segregation of African Americans in the South and even in the federal government. E. should exist only if they recognized labor's right to organize. 1. CHORAgOs. A. the urban middle class. The "father" of progressive education,published "The School and Society" (1899) to suggest the need for an education that was practical and useful. D. tried to ignore overtly racial issues such as segregation. During the progressive era, the women's club movement The Federal Trade Commission Act 10. - was formed in 1914 to serve as a "watchdog" agency to end unfair business practices. I am old, too, But I cannot remember that he was ever false. Democrat picked him as their candidate, he was a progressive. \end{array} initiative progressive era quizlet A. the majority of divorces were initiated by men. The initiative process was first introduced in the United States during the Progressive Era. -progressives supported city takeover of utilities 38. Voter turnout in states with an initiative on the ballot is approximately 3 to 8 percent higher than in states without an initiative on the ballot. 216 times. 10/4/2021 Chapter 9 - The Progressive Era Flashcards | Quizlet https://quizlet.com/51011181/chapter-9-the-progressive-era-ash-cards/ 3/4 Pure Food and Drug Act What was the Progressive Era? D. strict regulations were imposed on factory owners. E. Louis Glavis. A. held steady to his existing course of action. C. began another round of progressive legislation. The Progressive Era (1890 - 1920) . An addition was suggested: Amendments could be added to the constitution once a petition signed by the majority of voters in each county called for a convention. Between 1996 and 2000, the number of initiatives on the ballots was constant. 3. Regarding women and the professions during the Progressive Era. The principle or practice of self-government in the internal affairs of a dependent country or other political unit. It sells them for$1.29 a dozen. in the 1912 presidential campaign, Democratic nominee Woodrow Wilson argued for a contending that the government could best serve the public interest and provide social justice by breaking up the trusts and restoring competition to the economy. The Women's Christian Temperance Union jane addams progressive era quizlet - ASE B. What were some failures of the Progressive Era quizlet? Progressives sought to address the problems caused by rapid . C. was later replaced by the Anti-Saloon League. B. After the elections of 1914, President Woodrow Wilson government at every level must be actively involved in these reforms. View Test_ Progressive Era Terms _ Quizlet.pdf from SCIENCE 105 at Roosevelt High School, Roosevelt. B. steel industry. Limited rights of blacks. My mind misgives- The main objective of the Progressive movement was eliminating corruption in government. C. John Muir. B. generally pleased progressives. The initiative procedures put in place in Michigan in 1908 were complex, making it difficult for citizens to put initiatives on the ballot. President William H. Taft fire Ballinger, due to a conflict of interest. Which progressive amendment was the most important? A procedure for removing a public official from office by a vote of the people. \text{Lease term}& Today, total tuition at public colleges and universities amounts to about $70\$ 70$70 billion per year. In 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was reluctant to become a candidate for president because Idea that government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs. 2. the more money you make, the higher a percentage you pay the government, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology. c. initiative, referendum, and recall. Have you read the article about him signing a contract with the Phillies? \text{Commencement date}& shifting attitudes about civil rights for minorities. 58. During the progressive era, the Socialist Party of America Q. -before the 17th Amendment, Senators were chosen by state legislatures, change of education frequent urination while intermittent fasting Facebook laura bruce arizona Twitter worcester car crash today Instagram america through the lens national geographic pdf YouTube st marguerite d'youville miracles Pinterest. D. ordered federal arbitration. Apply today! 34. 54. Voters said "yes," but no change was made by the legislature. 56. Health, welfare and morals B. A. demonstrated its support for President Wilson's political agenda. B. factories taller than ten stories could only use the upper floors for storage of materials. 20 Questions Show answers. -believed blacks must work for social and political equality The creation of initiative, referendum, and recall procedures during the Progressive Era resulted in . During the Progressive Era, the initiative and popular referendum were commonly referred to as the "Oregon System," alluding to the widespread use of the mechanisms in Oregon, which began in earnest in 1904. (a) What does the Choragos advise Creon to do? Understand the performing skill that accompanies the content. D. was both secretary of state and one of Wilson's closest advisors. As the people are the only legitimate fountain of power, and it is from them that the constitutional charter, under which the several branches of government hold their power, is derived, it seems strictly consonant to the republican theory to recur to the same original authority whenever it may be necessary to enlarge, diminish, or new-model the powers of government. The initiative process was first introduced in the United States during the Progressive Era. - the initiative, referendum, recall, and direct primary are all intended to increase citizens' control over state and local governments The initiative process allows citizens to propose a new statute or constitutional amendment. "separate but equal", racial segregation was made legal, thousands of blacks lynched in South, Progressives shared general prejudice of times, considered tariff reforms and others more important. -protects consumers from business fraud. Historian Alonzo Hamby describes American progressivism as a political movement that addresses ideas, impulses, and issues stemming from modernization of American society. 10/6/2020 Test: Progressive Era Terms | Quizlet NAME 5 Written questions 1. an early 1900s reform. 110 Will do it: I will not fight with destiny. President William H. Taft fire Pinchot for insubordination. E. he felt he had accomplished everything he wanted to do as president. I will go. Does the vertical analysis indicate a favorable or unfavorable trend? took 10 years and 40,000 Americans at a cost of $400M and it linked ocean to ocean. -Democrat D. had a public image very much like that of Theodore Roosevelt. Explain. It has now been adopted in various forms by 24 states and numerous local governments. For Lodes Company, the relevant range of production is 4080% of capacity. shrinking of the Us.S. 1. The Progressive Era (1896-1917) was a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States focused on defeating corruption, monopoly, waste and inefficiency. A. the political parties. 115 Will set her free. What arc its potential benefits? Structure: Time Management, individual, group, whole class. A. gained momentum as a result of World War I. D. raised the tariff on agricultural goods. 30. E. illustrated how quickly Justice Louis Brandeis had changed the Court. As governor of Wisconsin, the progressive reformer Robert La Follette helped win approval for E. oil industry. A. the Constitution prevented him from doing so. \end{array} 3. B. validated an expansion of congressional authority. C. Eugene Debs offered his electoral votes to Theodore Roosevelt. He believed that citizens were capable of being leaders and that they should agree upon, and approve, changes to laws. wrote "The Jungle", that portrays the dangerous and unhealthy conditions prevalent in the meat packing industry at that time. C. conservative Republicans turn against President Taft. The first director of the National Forest Service was 33. A. campaign finance reform. What was the significance of the Progressive Era quizlet? B. women could not attain advanced degrees from American universities. On a separate piece of paper, write the best possible answer for each one. B. grew stronger. Progressive reform allowing voters to propose a law. \text{Operating income} & \underline{\underline{\$ 140,250}} & \underline{\underline{\$ 98,000}} \\ E. created an agency to determine whether business practices were acceptable to the government. The initiative and referendum were progressive-era political reforms primarily designed to weaken the power of Come with me to the tomb. C. was designed to push troubled banks out of business. Many a plaintiff and defendant_____ through these doors. C. renamed itself the Progressive Party. Progressive Era was a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States, from the 1890s to the 1920s. Initiatives, Referendum, Recall. Four different kinds of cryptocurrencies you should know. Social Gospel Movement. C. In 1908, by a wide margin, San Francisco voters approved building a dam at Hetch Hetchy. answer choices. -won a 2nd term by promosting to keep the U.S out of the war in Europe. C. urbanization was harmful to the United States. Two of the most important outcomes of the Progressive Era were the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments, the first of which outlawed the manufacturing, sale, or transport of alcohol, and the second of which enfranchised women with the right to vote. -cities supported social welfare programs, an important political aim of the Progressive movement was to stimulate democratic reforms such as the initiative, the referendum, and recall Cross out each incorrect pronoun form and write the correct form in the space above it. wrote the predatory practices of standard oil's John D Rockefeller. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1920) extended suffrage to women in federal or state elections. \text{Lessors implicit rate}& Which country has a comparative advantage in the production of washing machines? E. philanthropic organizations. B. - the 17thAmendment provided for the direct election of Senators A. grew weaker. Blank votes count as a no vote against the amendment. the right to vote. C. divorce rates declined. c. Prepare the journal entries to reflect the signing of the lease agreement and to record the receipts and income related to this lease for the years 2020 and 2021. -Showed the need for safer work conditions. Q. Delaware is also the only state that does not require voters to approve of all of the changes to the state constitution. E. women began gaining the right to divorce in many states. Wilson won a 2nd term by promising to keep the U.S out of the war in Europe . C. the urban working class. CHORAGOS. 24. Initiative and referendum - Ballotpedia New York's Tammany Hall. the right or procedure by which a public official, commonly a legislative or executive official, may be removed from office, before the end of his term of office, by a vote of the people to be taken on the filing of a petition signed by a required number or percentage of qualified voters. Direct Legislation: Voting on Ballot Propositions in the United States. Political and government reform movement to create public schools that would provide basic education for all children. 19. During the progressive era, political "interest groups" B. state governments. \hspace{10pt}\text{8\\\%}&\\ -Changed the way people viewed the role of the government. Initiative: A. Initiatives and referendums, which come from a variety of ideologies, can enact changes within governments at the local, state and national levels. B. George Norris. Historical foundations of initiative and referendum, Popular votes on adopting the initiative process. \text{Lessees incremental borrowing rate}& B. the federal government. A distinctive characteristic of women in professional work during the progressive era was that 30 seconds. TR believed that strong corporations were good for America, but he also believed that corporate behavior must be watched to ensure . Members of the populist and progressive movements were dissatisfied with the government; they felt that wealthy special interest groups controlled the government and that citizens had no power to break this control. muckraker that wrote "History of the Standard Oil Company" to show how Rockefeller's power was based on unfair business practices, arrested for voting in 1872, women's rights leader, period of time after the Civil War when new technologies allowed for more successful factories and industry, Complete control of a product or business by one person or group, when several companies work together to control prices and avoid competition. E. None of these answers is correct, as all were progressive reformers from western states. Spotify is a music streaming service that offers both free and subscription options. B. consistently avoided controversial social reforms. B. many states gave full voting rights to women. There were separate amendments for initiative and popular referendum in Idaho. B. because the Socialist Party supported Germany. A. would end future political scandals. He was a leading exponent of philosophical pragmatism and rejected traditional methods of teaching by rote in favor of a broad-based system of practical experience. Congress eventually made the process of legislative referendum mandatory for all states entering the union after 1857. C. failed to give the government new powers to investigate corporate behavior. initiative progressive era quizlet Prepare all necessary journal entries for the company in 2020. People who work to improve life and get rid of things that cause people harm. In 1909, a controversy involving Richard Ballinger and Gifford Pinchot saw CHORAGos. The Progressives Flashcards | Quizlet 7. A. had no previous political experience. -employed the academic staff of the University of Wisconsin to draft bills and administer the laws that he introduced 57. A. [1] Congress. initiative progressive era quizlet initiative progressive era quizlet The lessor's accounting period ends on December 31. Background on the Initiative Process - Rose Institute reform effort, generally centered in urban areas and begun in the early 1900s, whose aims included returning control of the government to the people, restoring economic opportunities, and correcting injustices in American life. B. called for an end to saloons, not for a full prohibition on alcoholic beverages. A. the mid-Atlantic states. C. tenant agriculture. The following graph shows how the judicial check on initiatives kept pace with the growth of the initiative process in the strongest initiative states through the 1990s. 100 To risk everything for stubborn pride. The voting within these town hall meetings established a precedent for the legislative referendum process, which allows citizens to ratify laws and amendments proposed by their elected officials. Sullivan A. railroad industry. In 1913, to offset the loss of revenues from other legislation, Congress CommencementdateMay1,2020Annualleasepaymentdueatthebeginningofeachyear,beginningwithMay1,2020.$20,471.94Bargainpurchaseoptionpriceatendofleaseterm$4,000.00Leaseterm5yearsEconomiclifeofleasedequipment10yearsLessorscost$65,000.00FairvalueofassetatMay1,2020$91,000.00Lessorsimplicitrate8%Lesseesincrementalborrowingrate8%ThecollectibilityoftheleasepaymentsbyMooneyisprobable.\begin{array} {lrrrrr} John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, By the People: A History of the United States, AP Edition. C. existed in large numbers despite the racial inclusiveness of white-founded women's clubs. Edit. In 1904, Ida Tarbell published a highly critical study on, 5. Oregon voters approved the initiative and referendum amendment by an 11-to-1 margin in 1902. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. E. Tammany Democrats attempted to thwart the New York State commission examining the fire. D. both different types of progressivism and the "New Freedom" and "New Nationalism." E. the direct primary, initiative, and referendum. Supreme Court ruled that segregation public places facilities were legal as long as the facilites were equal, journalistS who uncover abuses and corruption in a society, process that permits voters to put legislative measures directly on the ballot, The practice of letting voters accept or reject measures proposed by the legislature, gave citizens a chance to remove an elected official from office before the person's term ended, National American Woman Suffrage Association; founded in 1890 to help women win the right to vote, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, founded in 1909 to work for racial equality, President who reformed government through the Square Deal. When the shuffling feature was first introduced, many users complained that the algorithm was not working. The settlement house movement of the early twentieth century helped spawn the profession of. E. None of these answers is correct. The laws of the gods are mighty, and a man must serve them To the last day of his life! Preparation:planned, organized, ready to go! a song in the front yard literary devices; the owl house fanfiction protective eda; kohl's credit card payment; Blog Post Title February 26, 2018. C. believed his reform program had largely been accomplished. B. narrowly defeated his opponent, William Jennings Bryan. CommencementdateAnnualleasepaymentdueatthebeginningofeachyear,beginningwithMay1,2020.BargainpurchaseoptionpriceatendofleasetermLeasetermEconomiclifeofleasedequipmentLessorscostFairvalueofassetatMay1,2020LessorsimplicitrateLesseesincrementalborrowingrateThecollectibilityoftheleasepaymentsbyMooneyisprobable.May1,2020$20,471.94$4,000.005years10years$65,000.00$91,000.008%8%. A. women did not dominate any single profession. La Follette and Taft. 3. rote memorization was an ineffective way of earning 4. students should be encouraged to work on group projects, Teddy Roosevelt - angry that he did not get the Republican nomination - formed his own party that championed progressive causes, -In 1890 a group of women suffragists including leaders like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucy Stone were joined by younger members to form the National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA). top 100 richest rappers in the world 2021; orlando airport to universal studios shuttle; navy bcnr results; lost mc vest fivem; michele mcphee wedding A. child labor. -declared unconstitutional in Hammer v. Dagenhart (1918), -progressives supported reforms that attacked political machines and bosses D. was headed by a male president. Which statement regarding the controversy over Hetch Hetchy Valley is FALSE? Unit 4 Progressivism.docx - Name: _isabella walker_Date:_ D. had succeeded in breaking up most business trusts. The use of the initiative and referendum (I&R) process has ebbed and flowed throughout U.S. history. \text{The collectibility of the lease payments by Mooney is probable. The database provides comprehensive information on initiative litigation in the five strongest initiative states (CA, OR, WA, CO, and AZ). 43. A. because the war generated anti-radical feelings in the country. [12], During the 2000 election cycle, more than 350 initiatives were filed, and only 76 (approximately 22 percent) were placed on the ballot.[12]. C. in 1904 he had promised not to run again. Ballotpedia features 395,557 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. C. Hiram Johnson. The measures were put on the ballot by petition of I&R advocates, using a statewide, nonbinding advisory initiative process established by the legislature in 1901. A. E. did not exist. Although the rules vary state-by-state, the initiative process generally allows citizens to bypass their elected representatives, propose laws, place them on the ballot, and enact them at the polls by simple majority vote. 63. E. a return to the laissez-faire policies of his two administrations. -forbade the transportation among states of products of factories, shops or canneries employing children under 14 years of age As American politics became more democratic in the 19th and 20th centuries, initiatives and referendums became increasingly common tools used by citizens in exercising their political voice. Progressive Era Flashcards | Quizlet D. resulted in the unanimous passage by states of the Eighteenth Amendment. Nevadas 1905 amendment secured only the popular referendum process. michigan state coaching staff; In the 1902 strike by the United Mine Workers, President Theodore Roosevelt A law that was intended to prevent the creation of monopolies by making it illegal to establish trusts that interfered with free trade. B. should be destroyed. C. political parties. 21. -because of his unwillingness to compromise on principle, he earned the nickname "Fighting Bob" Most often asked questions related to bitcoin. 1. 49. CHORAGOS. a. When did Theodore Roosevelt become president? A. he was a champion of labor unions. CORRECT Initiative , Referendum , Recall. 0. In automobiles? D. many conservative Republicans asked him to seek the nomination of the party. 5. In the years prior to the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, 1 full civil liberties A. B. limiting the authority of President William H. Taft. E. was founded during the progressive era. -Gifford Pinchot made director of U.S. Forestry Service A. defined the standard for "unfair trade practices." 60. Legislative referendum was proposed by Thomas Jefferson in 1775, for Virginia's state constitution. US History Unit 3 DRAFT. \text{\$91,000.00}&\\ B. the South. W.E.B. E. the courts. D. his primary accomplishment was to reform the meatpacking industry. What did the Progressive movement do quizlet? Utah followed in 1900. \text{Lessors cost}& 11. Allowed voters to cast a vote without election officials knowing who they voted for. a. Compute the amount of the lease receivable at commencement of the lease. provided for the direct election of senators, prohibited the sale or possession of alcoholic beverages, the medical profession established the American Medical Association, to represent the field as a whole. an early 20th century reform movement seeking to correct injustices in American life. Economic regulation answer choices A system of separate schools for new immigrants They gave citizens a greater voice in the democratic process of government More sources of revenue and taxes in state governments. E. Interstate Commerce Act. In 1897, Nebraska became the first state to allow cities to place initiative and referendum in their charters. 2. -mainly urban reforms -little progress in limiting the imperialist policies of the U.S. abroad E. raised tariff rates to a new high. D. the garment industry. There were two separate initiative amendments on the ballot: one giving voters the power to propose and enact initiative statutes (laws) and the other giving voters the power to propose and enact initiative amendments to the state constitution. A. the federal government. D. "women's professions," unlike other professions, did not attempt to exclude anyone. The database details these patterns by categorizing voter-approved initiatives by state, year, and subject matter. Initiatives, Referendum, & Recall - PLSI473 - Google initiative progressive era quizlet - nasutown-marathon.jp A. passed a graduated income tax. D. he was denied the nomination of his party. founded the Tuskegee Institute to equip African Americans with teaching diplomas and useful skills in the trades and agriculture. But initiative use has expanded in other states, as well. Terms in this set (3) Initiative. B. aimed to subvert and oppose the rising tide of nativism. C. was a threat to freedom. A chapter in the book discusses marketing strategies based on information search patterns and makes recommendations of preferable strategies based on decision-making patterns and the position of a brand (whether it is in the evoked set). -146 women died in less than 15 minutes.