base and strong adjectives list pdf
For example, very scary. Uploaded: 30.12.2010 22239 Downloads, English, 1.9MB . 0000220463 00000 n 0000271649 00000 n ... Base and Strong Adjective Matching Exercise. Intensifiers with strong adjectives: Strong adjectives are words like: enormous, huge = very big tiny = very small brilliant = very clever awful; terrible; disgusting; dreadful = very bad certain = very sure excellent; perfect; ideal; wonderful; splendid = very good delicious = very tasty We do not normally use very with these adjectives. 0000242237 00000 n 0000232454 00000 n 0000255951 00000 n 0000270954 00000 n 0000017603 00000 n 0000265956 00000 n 0000245819 00000 n 0000268455 00000 n 0000256090 00000 n 0000261647 00000 n 0000260260 00000 n Why do you need a list of adjectives? 0000241274 00000 n 0000219889 00000 n 0000016684 00000 n 0000266373 00000 n 0000235622 00000 n 0000232040 00000 n Recognition and use of base and extreme adjectives with appropriate adverbs 914 Downloads . 0000221843 00000 n 0000233552 00000 n 0000263037 00000 n 0000273456 00000 n 0000255673 00000 n 'terrified'. 0000233417 00000 n 0000257897 00000 n 0000257758 00000 n 0000264983 00000 n 0000245267 00000 n Comunicación Eficaz II 2C – Gradable and strong adjectives Profª Sara Prieto GRADABLE ADJECTIVES - Summary & practice Gradable adjectives can be accompanied by “fairly”, “very, “extremely”, “incredibly”. We can also use these adjectives with some adverbs ( like absolutely, completely, really, mainly, etc.). endobj 0000222947 00000 n After an easy introduction, there are two exercises for instant practice. startxref 0000268872 00000 n 0000234242 00000 n 0000254144 00000 n 0000239756 00000 n 0000266790 00000 n 0000246920 00000 n Key included. x�b```b`P������� Ā B,�@�q��ᕎ�k�T�����7���b@2-���A0�00d��e��R��� �&��{�aL�"�7:�q��t��C ��~./�#o�^J�1�e�ϐFL�bT��d�M���䘓L�Ȫӡ0�J0e���BU���,��0� k ff`���9��C� �� - ESL worksheets. Big Colossal Fat Gigantic Great Immense Large Little Mammoth Massive Miniature Petite Puny Scrawny Short 0000222671 00000 n 0000235070 00000 n TOP 500 ADJECTIVES Knowledge Icon C/o. 0000239894 00000 n 0000267899 00000 n 0000244577 00000 n stream 0000227906 00000 n 0000236864 00000 n 0000222533 00000 n 0000241550 00000 n 0000010084 00000 n 0000058987 00000 n 0000229838 00000 n Describing people. 0000262620 00000 n 0000268177 00000 n 13. 0000237968 00000 n Using phrasal verbs to talk about food and health. 0000249279 00000 n 0000274568 00000 n 0000230111 00000 n 0000259565 00000 n 0000274846 00000 n ? 0000114742 00000 n Contact : 9646824367, 0181 – 7102400, 7102500, 7102598. 0000266512 00000 n 0000226802 00000 n Freezing is a "strong" or "ungradable" adjective - it is very, very cold! 0000273039 00000 n BASE AND STRONG ADJECTIVES BASE ADJECTIVE STRONG ADJECTIVE big enormous, huge hot boiling tired exhausted cold freezing tasty delicious interesting fascinating bad horrid, awful pretty perfect, wonderful dirty filthy surprised astonished, amazed angry furious funny hilarious clever beautiful good brilliant rarely – not often huge – very big 0000250391 00000 n 0000253449 00000 n 0000017647 00000 n 0000274012 00000 n 0000264288 00000 n <]>> 0000246506 00000 n 0000249557 00000 n 0000233966 00000 n ESL Adjective-Preposition Game - Listening and Speaking Activity - Intermediate (B1) - 30 minutes. )���J� Adjectives can be gradable and non-gradable ( extreme adjectives ). 0000262481 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000262203 00000 n This could be used for a dictionary-based activity. 0000245543 00000 n 0000240170 00000 n 0000257619 00000 n The first task is to find base adjectives for strong ones (e.g. 0000231074 00000 n 0000235898 00000 n 0000252198 00000 n 0000009157 00000 n 0000270262 00000 n 0000223634 00000 n 0000226250 00000 n 0000237140 00000 n 0000226112 00000 n 0000256924 00000 n GapFillTyping_MTM4Nzk= Level: intermediate Breathtaking impresionante Special especial. Hundreds of PDF lesson plans. Adjectives … 0000232316 00000 n 0000227078 00000 n 0000248167 00000 n 0000237416 00000 n extreme (strong) or a base (weak) adjective? 0000250530 00000 n The following lists are just a sampling of adjectives in the English language. 0000227492 00000 n 0000245129 00000 n 0000265539 00000 n Gradable adjectives means different degrees or levels of the quality. 0000228458 00000 n 0000251503 00000 n 0000225560 00000 n 0000265817 00000 n 0000269011 00000 n 0000253032 00000 n Z��(�. Lovely precioso, encantadorNicebonito. 0000262898 00000 n The following lesson will provide a list of powerful adjective words related to Condition, Size, Shape, Appearance, Time, Feeling, and Sound with ESL infographic. 0000009649 00000 n 0000272622 00000 n Level:advanced Age: +16 0000265400 00000 n 0000236726 00000 n 0000242651 00000 n 0000230936 00000 n 5 0 obj 0000220325 00000 n 0000222809 00000 n 0000271927 00000 n 0000239342 00000 n 0000250669 00000 n 0000229148 00000 n 0000239480 00000 n 0000264427 00000 n Small lists of adjectives treat the words that are on the list as the good adjectives or the only adjectives, and the words that are not on the list as less than desirable adjectives or possibly not even adjectives at all. 0000264010 00000 n 0000229700 00000 n 0000256785 00000 n 0000234380 00000 n 0000222395 00000 n I used it as the prelude to an acceptance speech-writing activity. trailer 0000269984 00000 n 0000251364 00000 n endstream endobj 774 0 obj<>/OCGs[776 0 R]>>/PieceInfo<>>>/LastModified(D:20110402120727)/MarkInfo<>>> endobj 776 0 obj<>/PageElement<>>>>> endobj 777 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>/Properties<>>>/StructParents 0>> endobj 778 0 obj<> endobj 779 0 obj<> endobj 780 0 obj[/ICCBased 798 0 R] endobj 781 0 obj<> endobj 782 0 obj<> endobj 783 0 obj<> endobj 784 0 obj<> endobj 785 0 obj<>stream We are punching it away. 773 0 obj<> endobj - You know, I wa 0000249974 00000 n Extreme adjectives( non-gradable adjectives) mean very + adjective. 0000223769 00000 n 0000223085 00000 n 0000017076 00000 n STRONG ADJECTIVES - writing a postcard. 0000269289 00000 n 0000239618 00000 n 0 0000252059 00000 n Extreme (Non-Gradable) Adjectives. They are categorized by the type of attribute they describe. Zero preparation time required. 0000270398 00000 n Example: big –> huge ( means very big) Angry … Furious; Bad … 0000226664 00000 n Awesome Adjectives List 5th, 6th, Middle Grade- Interesting adjectives list Page 1 of 2 Adjectives are words that describe a noun. 0000260535 00000 n 0000232730 00000 n 0000241826 00000 n 0000251642 00000 n 0000258036 00000 n 0000255117 00000 n 0000244439 00000 n 0000270537 00000 n 0000272900 00000 n 0000243611 00000 n ?���]�ގ?�u. 0000260813 00000 n 0000258175 00000 n 0000238928 00000 n The word base here means that these words do not have the idea of very, do not have, very and these words here, strong adjectives already have the idea of very. 0000243473 00000 n 0000017298 00000 n 0000221567 00000 n 0000249001 00000 n 0000252754 00000 n <> e.g. 0000254700 00000 n 0000253727 00000 n 0000254422 00000 n 0000196344 00000 n She did a fairly good job. 0000221291 00000 n 0000236312 00000 n 0000245681 00000 n 0000271788 00000 n 0000264566 00000 n 0000250947 00000 n Using gradable/extreme adjectives with modifiers. 0000259287 00000 n 0000259009 00000 n to show the degrees of the quality. 0000224183 00000 n Strong Adjectives Õ Normal Adjectives Wonderful maravilloso, estupendoNicebonito. 0000263871 00000 n DOWNLOAD NOW FREE 0000235346 00000 n 0000220877 00000 n 0000231902 00000 n 0000240860 00000 n 0000267065 00000 n 0000269567 00000 n 0000255812 00000 n 0000267760 00000 n 0000265678 00000 n 0000260952 00000 n 0000275263 00000 n 0000230525 00000 n 0000233690 00000 n (watch) that horror film – frightened? 0000224870 00000 n 0000236588 00000 n 1 Angry A Exhausted 2 Bad B Tiny 3 Beautiful C Filthy 4 Big D Furious 5 Clever E Enormous 6 Cold F Foul 7 Crowded G Boiling 8 Dirty H Terrible 9 Expensive I Freezing 10 Good J Gorgeous 11 Hot K Astonished 12 Hungry L Starving 13 Important M Exorbitant 14 Interesting N Endless 0000246095 00000 n 0000098135 00000 n 0000247058 00000 n 0000237554 00000 n 0000250252 00000 n 0000009942 00000 n 0000273873 00000 n Learn these adjectives examples to enlarge your vocabulary words in English. 0000249140 00000 n 0000272066 00000 n The lesson was extremely boring. 0000268594 00000 n Strong adjectives are more expressive than normal adjectives and are used with adverbs like really or absolutely. 0000227216 00000 n 0000149435 00000 n 0000016181 00000 n 0000252337 00000 n 773 434 There are different kinds of adjectives in English. Grammar, reading, vocabulary, speaking. You already know subject pronouns, even if you didn't know that's what they were called. 0000259843 00000 n 0000271232 00000 n 0000238379 00000 n 0000236036 00000 n 0000270815 00000 n 0000273734 00000 n 0000275541 00000 n 0000261925 00000 n 0000264844 00000 n MultipleChoice_MTM4NzY= Intensifiers 2 1. 0000224732 00000 n 0000221015 00000 n 0000267204 00000 n 0000272761 00000 n 0000249835 00000 n Alternatively, you can say 'very scared' or even 'so scared' but is 'frightened' an extreme (strong) or a base (weak) adjective? 0000249418 00000 n 0000242513 00000 n x��VɊ�@��W���S���^� ��,�C s��Gz��./�0�w���$=I�T�������պ���X���}�T��oj?����=�7����kjS=�W���Vϟ_)�����W�?���Qw�A��}�o{5����}럷���|�P�0�}��vn2�)�t�,�mˀ5U�{�F����X6v���� z0����nL��7�s�zS�7�{<4�hCl�9b-�:��G=e}��{��q��`m�TG���[�1{_��#���]+x-XYA���ո�����Q3f��qo�I�f�����N���a�]p3_����n��d% p�T���źYW��s�,;�~`&�T>���|Gu�VUD�T�ak��Cv 0000272344 00000 n 0000262064 00000 n 0000237278 00000 n 0000237830 00000 n 0000231212 00000 n 0000247336 00000 n 0000272483 00000 n 0000149035 00000 n endstream endobj 1206 0 obj<>/W[1 1 1]/Type/XRef/Index[16 757]>>stream Learn common adjectives list from A to Z in English with ESL printable infographic. 0000259426 00000 n 2 0 obj It could also be a pre-writing task for descriptive writing. Listening lesson plans with mp3 files also available. 697 Downloads . A chart for matching base and strong adjectives. 0000251086 00000 n 0000233006 00000 n Here scary is a base adjective but if we have a strong adjective instead, we do not need to use the word, very. 3 0 obj 0000258592 00000 n 0000223361 00000 n 0000238790 00000 n 0000242927 00000 n 0000262342 00000 n 0000230798 00000 n Article by iSLCollective. 0000248445 00000 n 0000256229 00000 n 0000185344 00000 n Students work in pairs or small groups. 0000269845 00000 n 0000221981 00000 n 0000234104 00000 n %%EOF 0000235484 00000 n Base adjectives versus strong adjectives Base adjectives . 0000241412 00000 n 0000252893 00000 n 0000240446 00000 n 0000258870 00000 n 0000257341 00000 n ... strong … Base and Strong Adjectives: Match the adverbs on the right with the adjectives on the left. 0000255534 00000 n 0000274985 00000 n 0000251225 00000 n 0000252476 00000 n 0000017526 00000 n 0000239204 00000 n 0000272205 00000 n Tom is very cold.. 0000234656 00000 n Our website is your search engine for PDF, epub, Kindle eBooks files.Read, borrow, and discover more than 1M files for free. %PDF-1.4 By injapanteacher 0000231350 00000 n 0000229424 00000 n 0000247614 00000 n gorgeous = very beautiful; huge = very big 0000270676 00000 n 0000244715 00000 n The exam went incredibly well. 0000252615 00000 n 0000233282 00000 n 0000267343 00000 n 0000259982 00000 n 0000257202 00000 n 0000230387 00000 n 0000267482 00000 n 0000254839 00000 n 0000244163 00000 n Brilliant resplandeciente Clever inteligente. 0000271093 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� By pacoal Exercise on extreme adjectives to improve their speaking performance. Strong Adjectives Õ Normal Adjectives. Dream Weavers Group, PPR Mall, SCO 1‐12, 4th Floor, Jalandhar. 0000230663 00000 n Strong adjectives are words like: We do not normally use very with these adjectives. If you use 'absolutely', you must follow it with a strong adjective 0000248584 00000 n 0000231764 00000 n Delicious deliciosoTastysabroso. 0000226388 00000 n 0000232592 00000 n 0000258453 00000 n 0000275402 00000 n Using strong and weak (gradable or ungradable) adjectives. b) If you use 'absolutely', you must follow it with a strong adjective, e.g. Strong adjectives, however, are extreme adjectives that have the idea of 'very' Examples. x��yixSי�9�^��˒����"����ab�e�ղ%#�R-�,M�!$�Y4%SH�4��p�2�� }2YH�&��3IM�Lې��6�i,�{���!��� ݾHO��v��e�prG����\ _E�y�3���'g�}��!ũU]�:���!m5B�#�����EEe\ӂ0pp�!�d�Ov���A�k�?�+��˚z���I�۷6��п}����5��A�k�E���"�G(o���"���� �� $[c>��('}��dr�R��h�tz�1ٔb����gX�����2����Q}�tq3Q 0000258731 00000 n 0000224459 00000 n x���1 0ð4�a\�a_"`�'M�-�j�~��~�Ǐ'� �� / 0000266234 00000 n 0000242375 00000 n 0000228182 00000 n Great estupendo, genial Goodbueno. 0000243197 00000 n 0000266651 00000 n Using power words is a simple way to increase your conversions, as they are strong, persuasive words that writers use to trigger specific responses in readers to persuade and influence them; however, trying to come up with the right ones can be difficult and time-consuming, as there is no one-size-fits-all, perfect power word. 0000268316 00000 n 0000246782 00000 n 0000275124 00000 n 0000221153 00000 n EXTREME ADJECTIVES I.- Match each adjective (1- 20) with its extreme (a – t). 0000235208 00000 n 0000274151 00000 n 0000244301 00000 n xref 0000269706 00000 n 0000274429 00000 n 0000256646 00000 n extremely good and totally amazing). 0000166239 00000 n 0000262759 00000 n 0000228320 00000 n 0000253866 00000 n Base and strong adjectives list pdf . 0000243887 00000 n 0000248028 00000 n 0000225698 00000 n Strong adjectives can be accompanied by “absolutely” 0000226526 00000 n 0000224321 00000 n Adjectives are words that describe the qualities of something. 0000259704 00000 n There are also pronominal adjectives, sometimes called possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, our, their). 0000266095 00000 n 0000242789 00000 n A list of all pronouns, plus definitions for each type of pronoun. Extreme adjectives or non-gradable adjectives are words that mean “extremely + adjective” – for example, “freezing” means “extremely cold.” The weather can’t be “a little bit freezing” or “very freezing” – because the word “freezing” itself automatically means “extremely cold.” Regular & Extreme Adjectives List 0000264705 00000 n 0000244853 00000 n English Adjectives List, Regular and Extreme Adjectives List Regular Extreme Good Fantastic Dirty Filthy Pretty Gorgeous Surprising Astounding Small Tiny Clean Spotless Thin Gaunt Wet Soaked Bad Terrible Tasty Delicious Regular Extreme Ugly Hideous Big Huge Old Ancient Clever Brilliant Lively Vivacious Wise Sagacious Happy Jubilant Hot Boiling Tired Exhausted 0000233144 00000 n 0000268733 00000 n Base adjectives. 0000271510 00000 n Base adjectives are normal adjectives that don't have the idea of 'very' Strong adjectives . 0000273595 00000 n 0000228872 00000 n 0000237692 00000 n An adjective is a word used to modify or describe a noun or pronoun. 0000254978 00000 n We can use these adjectives with some adverbs ( like a bit, very, really, extremely , quite, etc.) 0000241688 00000 n 0000248862 00000 n 0000240308 00000 n 0000263454 00000 n 0000229976 00000 n 0000269150 00000 n 0000059810 00000 n 0000246368 00000 n Grouping_MTQxNzc= Intensifiers 1 1. 0000255256 00000 n 0000228734 00000 n We do not say something is very enormous or someone is very brilliant. stream endstream 0000238106 00000 n 0000240584 00000 n You can use really and very with normal adjectives. All with comprehensive Teacher Notes included. 0000223907 00000 n 0000254561 00000 n 0000220130 00000 n 0000246644 00000 n This could be used for a dictionary-based activity. 0000236174 00000 n 0000231626 00000 n 0000261230 00000 n 0000238514 00000 n sticky stormy stout straight strange strong stunning substantial successful succulent superficial superior swanky sweet tart tasty teeny tender tense terrible testy thankful thick thoughtful thoughtless tight timely tricky trite troubled twitter pated 0000253310 00000 n 0000058609 00000 n Graceful Clumsy Awkward Nimble Clever Dull Obtuse Meek Anemic Frightened Timid Vigilant Cautious Capable Adequate Absent-minded Adventurous Daring Indifferent Apologetic Hideous Horrid Dreadful Ghastly Revolting Nasty 0000225422 00000 n 0000261369 00000 n 0000244025 00000 n 8�|�X7�ٕ��R%k���/����@�n�3� 6�6��I�(ا�`�� )+*rf�i��s���+� \�`-yg}"�M��3�u��ݺ�[;��s@���6Ӕ�ԉg 5RM�o�Y�-��{�+� 0000243062 00000 n Talking about food. 0000234794 00000 n 0000225284 00000 n 0000257063 00000 n We hope that you find all the post of EnglishBix useful. 0000240032 00000 n 0000212906 00000 n 0000131885 00000 n 0000274707 00000 n 0000225146 00000 n 0000271371 00000 n 0000220739 00000 n 0000263315 00000 n 0000250113 00000 n 0000241136 00000 n 0000196072 00000 n 0000260674 00000 n 0000254283 00000 n 775 0 obj<>stream d Cold is a "weak" or "gradable" adjective. 1. Match the base adjectives to the strong adjectives. 0000182674 00000 n With strong adjectives, we normally use intensifiers like: Normal and strong adjectives 1. 0000263176 00000 n endobj 0000240722 00000 n 0000251781 00000 n It could also be a pre... 2,897 Downloads . 0000227354 00000 n 0000081271 00000 n 0000249696 00000 n 0000248723 00000 n 0000229562 00000 n 0000224597 00000 n 0000245957 00000 n 0000247889 00000 n 0000247750 00000 n 0000244991 00000 n 0000232178 00000 n 0000059686 00000 n 0000238244 00000 n 0000223496 00000 n c) That's right! 0000236450 00000 n Interactive Version - In this adjectives interactive PDF, students complete an exercise where they categorize adjectives of opinion, size, age, shape, colour, origin and material. A card game for intermediate students to practise using base and strong adjectives. 0000265122 00000 n 0000225836 00000 n 0000267621 00000 n A chart for matching base and strong adjectives. 0000258314 00000 n 0000227630 00000 n 0000220601 00000 n 0000247475 00000 n 0000224045 00000 n By suebteaching A worksheet to illustrate the difference that using strong adjectives can make to a piece of writing. 0000240998 00000 n 0000253588 00000 n The weather was very bad. 0000239066 00000 n 0000257480 00000 n Connect 4 - Adjective-Preposition Combinations. 0000265261 00000 n <> 0000256507 00000 n Strong Adjectives List in English! 0000243749 00000 n 0000264149 00000 n 0000234932 00000 n 0000251920 00000 n 0000229286 00000 n adjectives exercise. 0000273317 00000 n 0000247197 00000 n 0000226940 00000 n 0000221705 00000 n 0000228596 00000 n This worksheet is about the difference between base and strong adjectives (e.g. Key included. 0000263732 00000 n 1x :РHgc���4� 0000270123 00000 n With this comprehensive list of strong and powerful adjectives, you would be able to improve the way you form English sentences and use them to write blogs, article or your resume. 0000263593 00000 n 0000242099 00000 n 0000266929 00000 n 0000245405 00000 n 0000238652 00000 n 0000255395 00000 n 0000260121 00000 n 0000235760 00000 n List of Adjectives ng verbs. 0000231488 00000 n 0000268038 00000 n 0000259148 00000 n 0000149195 00000 n 0000256368 00000 n 0000237002 00000 n 0000225008 00000 n 0000222257 00000 n ��,M�8j7 Non-gradable / Extreme / Strong adjectives do not have different degrees or levels of quality. 0000222119 00000 n H��W�n$���W��0չg iA���!�s�IΘ��@�����U5[:L�cUf,/"^�}~��tu����x���[w����ǫ�Gw��x������k=,>�kw��ŷu��ǰ����}��xz��}�曋? Below you will find the largest list of adjectives you are likely to find anywhere! 0000225974 00000 n 0000260396 00000 n 0000227768 00000 n 0000228044 00000 n %äüöß 0000233828 00000 n Use your dictionary or thesaurus to add to each list or use the complete list below this one. 0000243335 00000 n 0000229010 00000 n 0000273178 00000 n Personal Pronouns / Subject Pronouns. gradable and non-gradable adjectives) I decided to make a worksheet myself. 0000230249 00000 n 0000232868 00000 n 0000274290 00000 n 0000254005 00000 n 0000250808 00000 n 0000248306 00000 n 0000009451 00000 n 0000261508 00000 n ]���/����w�ɻχ�� ��=�~9\���ɻ�N�~��7w�v����o�;wzq�����ӳk�����#�u сEK�L==������?��_=����/��Nۛv�}wº;Í���c������˭s? “hungry” would be a base adjective for “starving”). It could be a bit cold or very cold.We use gradable adjectives with words like slightly, a bit, very and extremely:. 0000246233 00000 n 0000261091 00000 n 0000017040 00000 n 0000234518 00000 n ��u��X�"D=@��3;�����S��l~ e���] �,���� ']�`9���69O�(ۉ�rMzJ�5����a#�VK�F���H� Xzag�i>��|:c�b��H�u�rFN҄�㓜p�Ώ�[������H��q �r>4ӤQ5��3_ӛ%}"e�s~̞w�^���@�L��#�W���2h�i}�y�g�۫�6�"s �r>�7NE��H���l�X"����S�BRZ��X��[��=�c�F�u*$��cQ �!S�����R��d�_���7`���M��)�16��a�8�h�k���sq����mTh�,�mVZ�9?k]! S��`���q=e�0h���e�G�`Jt�S���v�@�R��� 944 0000223223 00000 n Base and Strong adjectives - 2 pages + key Since I was unable to find something about base and strong adjectives (a.k.a. 0000269428 00000 n 0000241961 00000 n Extreme adjectives. 0000221429 00000 n good and amazing) and the adverbs that can be used with them (e.g. Adjectives are words that describe the qualities of something. 0000261786 00000 n 0000213175 00000 n 0000253171 00000 n
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